Mosharof Hossain School And College
Mosharof Hossain School And College
Evening Shift
Teacher portals often include tools for lesson planning, allowing educators to create and organize lesson plans, resources, and assessments.
Many teacher portals provide gradebook and grade management tools, allowing educators to record grades, calculate averages, and track student progress.
Morning Shift
"Good morning, students! Today at Mosharraf Hossain School Add College, we're focusing on starting the day with positivity and determination. Our priorities include academic focus, staying organized, collaborating with peers, engaging in extracurricular activities, prioritizing wellness, seeking help when needed, embracing growth, spreading positivity, and making every moment count. Let's approach the day with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence!"
Upcomming Events
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Date : 21 Feb 1977
Our Notice Board
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Leave notice
From 31 December, some people have leave. Enjoy everyone.
ছুটির নোটিশ
আগামী ১৬ ই ডিসেম্বর বিজয় দিবস উপলক্ষে স্কুল বন্ধ থাকিবে।
winter vacation
Debate Programme
Debate Programme for all students.
Online Payment Method
About update 2
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